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Updated: Feb 02, 2024

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Privacy Policy for TAI Web Application


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Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Policy & Procedure

This Policy is prepared by the management of Tai Tanzania which was delegated authority by the Board of Directors of Tai Tanzania and reviewed during the Board meeting held on 1 August 2023 This policy will be active immediately after approval.

1. Policy Objective

To promulgate a policy of zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) for all Tai Tanzania employees and related personnel and ensure that roles, responsibilities and expected standards of conduct in relation to SEA are known within Tai Tanzania. To create and maintain a safe environment, free from SEA, by taking appropriate measures for this purpose, internally and in the communities where Tai Tanzania operates, through robust prevention and response work.

2. Policy statement

2.1.SEA violates universally recognized international legal norms and standards and are unacceptable behaviors and prohibited conduct for all humanitarian workers, including Organization] employees and related personnel.

2.2.Tai Tanzania has a policy of zero tolerance towards SEA. All Tai Tanzania employees and related personnel are expected to uphold the highest standards of personal and professional conduct at all times, and to provide humanitarian assistance and services in a manner that respects and fosters the rights of beneficiaries and other vulnerable members of the local communities.

3. Scope of application:

3.1.This policy sets out the Tai Tanzania approach to prevent and respond to SEA. The policy applies to all employees and related personnel, both on-and off-duty.

4. Definitions

4.1.The term ‘sexual exploitation’ means any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another.

4.2.The term ‘sexual abuse’ means the actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions.

5. Commitment to PSEA:

5.1.Tai Tanzania will make every effort to create and maintain a safe environment, free from SEA, and shall take appropriate measures for this purpose in the communities where it operates, through a robust PSEA framework, including prevention and response measures.

5.2.This PSEA framework, affirms Tai Tanzania commitment to the UN Secretary General’s Bulletin on Special Measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (ST/SGB/2003/13) and to achieving full, ongoing implementation of the IASC Six Core Principles relating to SEA44 .

6. Six core principles

6.1.SEA by Tai Tanzania employees and related personnel constitute acts of gross misconduct and are therefore grounds for termination of employment.

6.2.Sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18) is prohibited regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. Mistaken belief regarding the age of a child is not a defense..

6.3.Exchange of money, employment, goods, or services for sex, including sexual favors or other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behavior is prohibited. This includes exchange of assistance that is due to beneficiaries.

6.4.Any sexual relationship between Tai Tanzania employees or related personnel and beneficiaries of assistance or other vulnerable members of the local community that involves improper use of rank or position is prohibited. Such relationships undermine the credibility and integrity of humanitarian aid work.

6.5.Where an Tai Tanzania employee or related personnel develops concerns or suspicions regarding sexual abuse or exploitation by a fellow worker, whether in the same organization or not, he or she must report such concerns via established reporting mechanisms.

6.6.All Tai Tanzania employees and related personnel are obliged to create and maintain an environment which prevents SEA and promotes the implementation of this policy. Managers at all levels have particular responsibilities to support and develop systems which maintain this environment.

7. PSEA framework


7.1.1Vetting: Tai Tanzania systematically vets all prospective job candidates in accordance with established screening procedures.

7.1.2.Training: Tai Tanzania holds mandatory induction and refresher training for all employees and related personnel on the Organization’s SEA policy and procedures.


7.2.1.Reporting: Tai Tanzania has safe, confidential and accessible mechanisms and procedures for personnel, beneficiaries and communities, including children, to report SEA allegations and ensures that beneficiaries are aware of these.

7.2.2.Investigation: Tai Tanzania has a process for investigation of SEA allegations in place and shall properly and without delay conduct an investigation of SEA by its employees or related personnel or refer to the proper investigative body if the perpetrator is affiliated with another entity. to National Authorities: If, after proper investigation, there is evidence to support allegations of SEA, these cases may be referred to national authorities for criminal prosecution.

7.2.3.Victim assistance: Tai Tanzania has a system to promptly refer SEA survivors to available services, based on their needs and consent.

7.3.Cooperative arrangements:

7.3.1.All Tai Tanzania contracts and partnership agreements include a standard clause requiring contractors, suppliers, consultants and sub-partners to commit to a zero-tolerance policy on SEA and to take measures to prevent and respond to SEA.

7.3.2.The failure of those entities or individuals to take preventive measures against SEA, to investigate allegations thereof, or to take corrective action when SEA has occurred, shall constitute grounds for termination of any cooperative arrangement

8. Preventative Measure

1. Internal PSEA Risk Assessments

Assess key aspects of our programs and operations every two years to identify PSEA related risks and update our policies as required.

2. Safe Recruitment

Ensure that we check the suitability of our staff and associates to work with and around children and vulnerable people

3. Code of Conduct

Ensure that all Tai Tanzania staff, board members, and volunteers, partners read and agree to comply with Tai ’s Code of Conduct with commitment of PSEA sign

4. Training, Education, & Support for Our Staff, Raising Awareness, Promote Safe & Ethical Communication Practices

Train our staff on different aspects of our PSEA policy and code of conduct to ensure that they are equipped to deal with PSEA issues if and as they arise in their day-to-today work, and that they are made aware of changes and developments to the policy and its implementation and also Share and promote the PSEA policy to Tai Tanzania staff, board, partners, and subcontractor, either in hard copy or electronically. Tai Tanzania will also provide staff with access to materials and resources to support their understanding and implementation of the PSEA policy, and will also encourage the sharing of experiences and examples of good practice in implementing the policy across different roles and contexts.

4. Appoint Designated PSEA Officer(s) Ensure that a nominated senior person is selected as the organization PSEA lead and everyone in the Tai Tanzania community knows their name(s) and contact(s). Training will be provided to designated PSEA officers on receiving and responding to PSEA incidents and concerns appropriately. Embed PSEA in Our Due Diligence (Via Documents etc. to crosscheck

9. Implementation

Financial, human, and other resources to support the implementation of this policy will be made available on an annual basis following the review and approval of the annual PSEA summary report and sent to the Tai Board.

The annual PSEA summary report will include a breakdown of all PSEA cases and concerns reported in a given year, actions taken, outcomes, and lessons learned, especially those requiring policy changes or gaps requiring management action.

Tai Tanzania will also integrate PSEA measures into all relevant policies and procedures including but not limited to the following:

  • Employee Handbook

  • Staff job descriptions

  • employment contracts, and consultancy contracts

  • Communications guidelines

Tai Tanzania will appoint designated PSEA officers(s) who will report directly to the Executive Director and Board of Directors on all issues regarding PSEA. The responsibilities of the designated PSEA officer(s) are to:

  • Act as the reporting point person for any PSEA concerns or incidents arising from Tai Tanzania office

  • Liaise and support Tai staff on all PSEA issues.

  • Guide the provision of capacity building for Tai Tanzania partners on PSEA as requested by the team.

  • Update Tai’s PSEA policy regularly with lessons learned from specific PSEA incidents and concerns reported every year.

  • Lead training and education efforts to build knowledge and understanding of PSEA among staff and to build their confidence to implement the policy effectively in their work. This includes engaging external consultants and resource persons as needed.

  • Present an annual report to the Tai Tanzania board highlighting PSEA issues and activities during the year.

  • Develop and implement a strategy to roll out this policy to staff, partners, and associates, and ensure the information provided internally and in our public platforms with regard to PSEA is up to date.

9.1 Raising & Responding to PSEA Concerns

Tai Tanzania will ensure that safe, appropriate, and accessible means of reporting PSEA Any staff, board member, partner, consultant, volunteer , or member of the public reporting a PSEA complaint or concern will be protected.

Tai Tanzania Employees, Board Members, and Associates

suspicions, allegations, and incidents regarding the actual or potential abuse or exploitation of vulnerable people. If you witness an incident where you suspect abuse, or a person has made a disclosure to you, it is not up to you to decide whether or not abuse has occurred. Rather, you should report the concern or incident to a designated PSEA officer, who will initiate the procedure for handling such reports.

Designated PSEA Focal point -Tai Tanzania

Haika Julius

Human Resource

Contact: haika.julius@tai.or.tz

Designated Safeguarding Officer (Tai Tanzania)

Mariam Mintanga

Project Coordinator


If you do not feel comfortable reporting to the designated PSEA officer (for example, if you feel that the report will not be taken seriously or if that person is implicated in the concern), you may report to the Executive Director or a member of the Tai Tanzania Board of Directors:

Tai Executive Director

Ian Tarimo

Executive Director


Tai Tanzania Board Representative

Irene Mpangile



The designated PSEA officers are responsible for ensuring that the reporting procedure is followed so that suspected or actual cases of abuse are responded to appropriately and referred to the relevant authorities when necessary.

10. Reporting Mechanism

10.1.Core Principle of Reporting

Safety - To avoid creating or exacerbating risks for all involving parties (victim / survivors, perpetrators) regarding with potential SEA allegations Confidentiality - To enforce strict information sharing and every data regarding to alleged cases must be only accessible to PSEA focal persons Transparency - To obtain prior information collectively in order to bring up investigation procedure with integrity

10.3.Complaint Mechanism

Beneficiaries who encountered any activities of sexual abuse and violences by the personnels of Tai Tanzania or its project partners are to immediately report incidents to project site responsible person, supervisor or directly to Tai Tanzania Project Leader or PSEA Focal Person. Victims are recommended to report through following channel :

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i.Verbal reporting to School / Organization Responsible

ii.Hotline Number : +255 763 143 834 (Toll-free to be available in future)

iii.Email to PSEA focal person

a.Haika Mboya, HR & PSEA Focal Person : haika.julius@tai.or.tz

b.Mariam Mintaga, Project Coordinator : mariam.mintanga@tai.or.tz

iii.Whistleblowing email


10.2.Complaint Mechanism

When a designated person receives a complaint of sexual misconduct, he/she will:

  • Immediately record the dates, times, and facts of the incident(s)

  • Ascertain the views of the victim as to what outcome he/she wants

  • Ensure that the victim understands Tai Tanzania’s procedures for dealing with the complaint

  • Discuss and agree on the next steps: either informal or formal complaint, on the understanding that choosing to resolve the matter informally does not preclude the victim from pursuing a formal complaint if he/she is not satisfied with the outcome

  • Keep a confidential record of all discussions

  • Respect the choice of the victim

  • Ensure that the victim knows that they can lodge the complaint outside of Tai Tanzania through the relevant country/legal framework

10.4Mandatory Reporting

Every SEA allegation that was witnessed directly or indirectly by personnelles of Tai Tanzania and its partners are mandatory to report to relevant PSEA Focal persons directly or through supervisor. Mandatory reporting should be done in a way that respects victims’ right to confidentiality, providing them an opportunity to reflect on what aspects of their case they want to disclose or not. For children who are too young to understand, this information should be shared with their trusted adult.

10.5Inter-agency Community Reporting

Community-based inter-agency mechanisms allow communities which receive services from multiple organizations to access one channel for reporting allegations of GBV and SEA involving personnel. Tai Tanzania will be compile and actively reinforce inter-agency community reporting to beneficiaries in order to facilitate more streamlined and efficient communication.

10.6Victim Referring

Every witness has to inform and refer victims who conducted / potentially conduct sexual exploitation and abuse to the PSEA focal persons through whistleblowing procedure; texting, emailing, phone calling and so on.

11. Assistance

11.1 Assistance and Guidance

Tai Tanzania ensures most suitable access of assistance regardless of decisions by the organization or others to investigate the cases or regardless of outcomes of the investigation. Tai Tanzania is accountable to fulfill support needs for the victims / survivors, witnesses, complainants, alleged perpetrators and others involved in the case.

11.1 List of local service providers,

Tai Tanzania ensures most suitable access of assistance regardless of decisions by the organization or others to investigate the cases or regardless of outcomes of the investigation. Tai Tanzania is accountable to fulfill support needs for the victims / survivors, witnesses, complainants, alleged perpetrators and others involved in the case.

1.1.1 List of local service providers,

Tai Tanzania timely updates local service providers for required assistance for GBV and Child Protection in-line with medical care providers, local authority and so on. Type of services are as follow:

List of Service Provider



Medical Care


Psychosocial Support


Legal Services


Basic Material Assistance


Support for children born as a result of SEA


11.2 Referral Pathway

Tai Tanzania commits to follow the specific procedure to identify the needs of assistance and timely follow the referral pathway through case managers. Any required assistance will be provided timely to GBV/SEA cases including cases that are involving children. At the same time, informed consent has to be pursued by the case manager in the first place, whether to proceed on treatment or not. Detailed referral procedures are as follow :

  • Explain referral process and document informed consent

  • Assess survivor's needs

  • Contact service provider(s), e.g. survivor eligibility; relevant referral protocol

  • Make referral (and assist with transport, where possible)

  • Follow up with survivor and receiving agency/ies

  • Store information and ensure confidentiality

12. Investigation

12.1Investigation Mechanism

Tai Tanzania will take reasonable measures to conduct an impartial investigation for reports of sexual abuse and exploitation. Tai will, to the extent possible, keep reports confidential to ensure the privacy of the individuals involved and to maintain integrity and fairness of the investigation, while fulfilling its obligations to investigate and end any sexual misconduct incidents.The committee carrying out the investigation will:

  • Interview the victim and the alleged harasser separately

  • Interview other relevant third parties separately

  • Decide whether the incident(s) of sexual abuse or exploitation took place

  • Produce a report detailing the investigations, findings, and any recommendations

  • If the sexual abuse or exploitation took place, decide what the appropriate remedy for the victim is, in consultation with the victim (i.e., an apology, a change to working arrangements, a promotion if the victim was demoted because of abuse or exploitation, training for the harasser, discipline, suspension, dismissal)

  • Follow up to ensure that the recommendations are implemented, that the behavior has stopped, and that the victim is satisfied with the outcome

  • If it cannot determine that the the sexual misconduct took place, he/she may still make recommendations to ensure proper functioning of the workplace

  • Keep a record of all actions taken

  • Ensure that all records concerning the matter are kept confidential

  • Ensure that the process is done as quickly as possible and in any event within 14 days (about 2 weeks) of the complaint being made.

12.2 Investigation Committee

Investigation committee of Tai Tanzania must be formed with PSEA focal persons, Board of Advisory and external advisors who are experienced, impartial and trained investigator(s) who are qualified to handle cases that require a high degree of sensitivity and confidentiality. The investigator(s) should speak the language of witnesses and be familiar with local laws if possible.

If the investigation committee decides that the case is out of capacity, the handling process must be outsourced to external legal support and services.

12.3 Risk and Safety Audit

Program team of Tai Tanzania with the support of the HR and Operation department must complete a safeguarding risk and PSEA Safety once every 6 months in order to plan for risk management. The compiled output will be updated.

13. Monitoring and evaluation

Tai Tanzania recognizes the importance of monitoring this sexual exploitation and abuse and will ensure that it anonymously collects statistics and data as to how it is used and whether it is effective. Core Principle of Reporting

Supervisors, managers and those responsible for dealing with sexual misconduct cases will report on compliance with this policy, including the number of incidents, how they were dealt with, and any recommendations made. This will be done on a yearly basis. As a result of this report, Tai Tanzania will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy and make any changes needed.

14. Breaches of Tai Tanzania PSEA Policy

Tai Tanzania recognizes the importance of monitoring this sexual exploitation and abuse and will ensure that it anonymously collects statistics and data as to how it is used and whether it is effective. Core Principle of Reporting

Any breach of this policy will be treated as a disciplinary matter and will be dealt with by the Executive Director. A breach of this policy by the Tai Tanzania Executive Director will be dealt with by the Board of Directors. Depending on the severity of the violation, the individual or organization found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to:

-A grace period during which the concerned individual or organization will be given the opportunity to demonstrate adequate good-faith measures to prevent or minimize the likelihood of such breaches in the future.

-Immediate termination or cessation of employment, contract, or partnership

-Reporting to the police, relevant authority, or other body

Tai Tanzania will have no-tolerance towards Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA).

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Our Privacy Policy is accessible on our website. We encourage you to review it periodically for any updates. By continuing to use our web application, you agree to the most recent version of the Privacy Policy.

Privacy Point of Contact:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or the handling of your data, please contact our Privacy Officer at+255688528444or email at taarifa@tai.or.tz

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Privacy Policy on our website. We will notify you of significant changes through the contact information you provide.

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